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As parents, you manage the details of your young child's life. From eating fruit and veg to going to bed on time and potty-training – the job of a guardian never ends. The responsibilities of parents do not stop as soon as your child steps into school.
However, it does take the pressure off knowing your child will receive a proper education. In the last couple of years, schools have begun advocating parental involvement. It doesn't just mean packing their lunches and ensuring they get to school on time. Research shows interest in a kid's education leads to confident and successful students.
The parental involvement theory teaches the importance of participating in a child's education. Beyond assisting in schoolwork, parents join school activities and events, acting as role models for their children.
But there is a fine line between involvement and helicopter parenting. Let's hear how these moms do it.
We’ve sat down with two busy ladies and asked them important questions about their parenting styles. Jana Blanco and Sasha Mariposa are working moms in their 30s with two kids each. Here’s what they have to say.
Jana: I'd call it more "figuring it out as I go along.” My kids are changing all the time—just when I think they're all settled, someone will tell me they've developed a new fear of something or chosen to hate green peas. Kids are weird.
Sasha: I would say that the goal is to be authoritative because it's the middle ground between instilling discipline and letting them roam free. But it always depends on the situation.
Jana: I'm here to nurture them and raise them to become smart, caring gentlemen.
Sasha: For me, my husband and I are responsible for raising our children to be independent and self-sustaining individuals. We want to give them the best life possible, and for us (maybe because we're the same way), it's to make a life for themselves. We're not laying out a red carpet for them. They must carve out their paths – with us providing the tools.
Jana: I follow their lead most of the time. I let them get up and dust themselves off when they fall and hurt themselves. I believe kids are sturdier than we make them out to be.
Sasha: Children thrive when they believe they are safe, whether mentally, emotionally, or even physically. When they know they won't fall, they have much more confidence in jumping on the bed. But as they grow older, my husband and I also try to break down these safety nets as well because that's not how the real-world works. But I want them to be confident that we will be here to support them through it all emotionally.
Jana: My husband is more hands-on because he is more patient. But I do enjoy reading to them and doing the occasional worksheet with them. I also like drawing and taking photographs with them.
Sasha: I'm very involved! It takes a village to raise a child. I'm a bit of a tiger mom when it comes to education while my husband is utterly chill, so I think we offer that balance. I want them to care about school, so I show them that I care too by being involved. I always try to win the best costume award.
Jana: My older son loves egg salad sandwiches so I like to include that in his baon lineup. Both boys enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and grilled cheese sandwiches too. I also give them fruit and milk as part of their baon.
Sasha: My kids go to preschool and pre-nursery. They have bento boxes with easy-to-eat snacks. I pack yogurt drinks, biscuits, and fruit. Their recess is only 30 minutes, and this is short when your kids are under 5 in a place with a lot of distractions.
Jana: Minimal screen time, be strict about bedtime, teach them empathy (easiest when you have a pet), please and thank yous are a must, teach them to enjoy food by letting them try everything you eat and insist they feed themselves!
Sasha: My best parenting tip is sleep training! It's a lifesaver for kids and parents! It also establishes boundaries between you and your kids. Because they have scheduled sleep times, everything else kind of has a schedule, including mealtimes.
A child’s cognitive development occurs during their preschool years. Like our busy moms, it is vital to take an active role in their education. You can ensure your child receives all the support they need to reach their full potential. Here’s a quick roundup of how you can be more involved in your child’s education.
Parents must make an effort to be more present in their children's school. Being available shows kids that they care about the education they are receiving. We aren't saying you need to sacrifice all your time to volunteer at school. Attend when you can and participate as much as your schedule permits.
Involved parents are in the position to provide kids with needed support in areas they struggle with. Showing interest in your child's schoolwork allows you to share excitement over their achievements and help them overcome disappointments.
Each child will learn at a different pace. Some will pick up things quickly. Others might struggle. Rather than crack down on them, reinforce a positive attitude towards education. Sit with them and show them that it is okay to fail. But make it a point to teach them what to do whenever this happens.
Part of the responsibilities of parents is to support learning in school and home settings. Involvement extends teachings beyond the walls of a classroom. It fosters positive experiences and enhances a child’s overall performance.
Bridge a better connection through simple actions like helping with homework or encouraging them to prepare sandwiches with Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise to share with the class. The bottom line is that parents must actively teach their children and regularly interact with them. Make these interactions a good balance between learning and fun to keep them motivated and interested.